Monday, March 23, 2009

ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, Madison had her first road trip in MARCH...yeah in MARCH.  Tere was supposed to post this  back in MARCH but here I am in the end of APRIL posting it now (No love lost).  Guess where she went...MIAMI, FL!

I got a chance to show her off to all the people @ Tabernacle SDA in Miami.  It was great.

Even Dr. Uncle B got a chance to hold Madison.  She likes it.

Tere and Rhonda Nelson (soon to be took a moment for a photo op before the ride back to the ATL.

Madison, basking in Miami shade...just like here Dad, trying to escape the heat.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hanging With One of the BFF's

Madison got a chance to hang with one of her BFF's this weekend.  They met about 8 months the womb.  Sarah and Tere spoke almost everyday during their pregnancy.  While they were chatting Madison and Aria got to know each other.  Although Aria was born a week before Madison, when they met face to face for the first time it was like they never skipped a beat.

They were so over the flash photography.  After the girls gave us "the look" we decided to give them a rest.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Madison's First Doc Visit

So, Madison's first doc visit was Tuesday, March 3rd.  The doc's office is the coolest place EVER!--especially for the father who hasn't been able to quiet that 5 year old boy inside of him.  The doc's office is covered, I mean seriously COVERED (from front door to emergency exit in the back) in hand and foot prints of all the children that are seen by her practice--cool right?  Doc said "when Madison gets a little older her little hands and feet will be up there too".  Yeah, it sounded a little creepy to me too, at first, then it got cool again.

This was Madison's first trip outside.  She loved it!  We took her to look at some lofts and condos in downtown Decatur. It looks like Madison has fallen in love.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Madison 1 - Parents 1

Madison beat us down the first three nights.  She was up crying like every hour or so. Eat, Pee, Doo-Doo, Sleep and CRY!  These are a few of the WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction)  in her arsenal.  She had me begging for SLEEP!!!!!  "I WANT SLEEP!!!!"  Madison, you may have won this battle but we will win the War.

And win we did!  The next four nights was all about Tere, she was in rear form.  I don't know where she got the information, but she put Madison on a feeding schedule and it was over.  Now Madison eats every 2 hrs during the day and sleeps between feedings.  Would you believe that Madison is so tired from being woken up every 2 hrs during the day that she sleeps for 4 full hours at night.  Tere you are the BOMB!!!!!
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